Posted: January 31, 2023
Plantpeddler hosted Variety Day 2022 on Friday August 5; a day focused on delivering on the goal of “Testing the Best in the Midwest”. On a beautiful weather day, the event highlighted nearly 1,500 varieties of vegetative annuals in large containers, hanging baskets and beds from a global array of breeders. The garden color and grounds were sensational; enjoyed by a growing number of attendees including breeders, sponsors, brokers, growers, garden center managers, and industry professionals.
This year, our outstanding slate of presenters covered growing culture and clean production protocols including, Alicain Carlson, Ph.D., Syngenta Flowers; Christopher Currey, Ph. D, Iowa State University; Robert “Bob” Jungwirth, Plant Marvel. Also presenting were Greg Gabrels, Sakata, and Diane Blazek of AAS. The day included demonstrations of technology at Plantpeddler including the ISO sticking robots.
Participants had the opportunity to vote on their top three varieties. The winner this year, Begonia I’Conia Portofino Sunrise, which is in the 2023 program at Plantpeddler. But accolades go to Portulaca which captured five spots in the Top 25, tied with Begonias for the most genus selections.
Rank Genus Series Variety Breeder
- Begonia I’Conia Portofino Sunrise Dummen Orange
- Verbena Lascar Orange Lava Selecta One
- Lantana Bandolista Red Chili Syngenta Flowers
- Calibrachoa Rainbow Calypso Coral Dummen Orange
- Portulaca Mega Pazzaz Red Danziger
- Bracteantha Granvia Gold Suntory
- Coleus Under the Sea Barracuda USask
- Portulaca Mega Pazzaz Pink Twist Danziger
- Begonia Florencio Orange Syngenta Flowers
- Petunia Itsy White Syngenta Flowers
- Lantana Heartland Really Red Dummen Orange
- Tie 12. Petunia Perfectunia Mandarin Westhoff
- Tie 12. Verbena Temari Trailing Blue Suntory
- Osteospermum Zion Morning Sun Selecta One
- Begonia Waterfall Angel Soft Pink Beekenkamp
- Portulaca Confetti Garden Cupcake Night Dummen Orange
- Portulaca Mega Pazzaz Mango Twist Danziger
- Calibrachoa Kwik Kombo Callie Color Wheel Syngenta Flowers
- Tie 19. Portulaca Confetti Garden Cupcake Party 2022 Dummen Orange
- Tie 19. Petunia Tea PTTR 0041 – Flamingo Beekenkamp
- Calibrachoa MiniFamous Uno Yellow+Red Vein 22 Selecta One
- Begonia Hiemalis Vermillion Red Beekenkamp
- Begonia Beauvilia Dark Salmon Beekenkamp
- Geranium Inters Calliope Cascade Violet Syngenta Flowers
- Bracteantha Granvia Pink Suntory
We greatly appreciate all of the breeders for submitting genetics, supporting vendor partner sponsors, the team at Plantpeddler for all the efforts and hosting, and especially everyone who attended.
Mark your calendars: Plantpeddler Poinsettia Variety Day on December 1, 2022. Plantpeddler Variety Day 2023 is on August 4. Please make plans to attend both events. For more information and images from this or other Plantpeddler events, please contact us at Thank-you.